Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model|Business Ethics|Case Study|Case Studies

Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model

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EPA was founded in 1970 in response to the growing concerns over problems related to the protection of public health and improvement of environmental conditions in American communities. EPA was an offshoot of some major environmental occurrences such as the rise in air pollution in New York City in 1963 and a fire in Cuyahoga River (Cleveland) in 1969, which attracted national attention on the severity of environmental hazards in the community. In 1969, Richard Nixon (Nixon), the then President of US, established the Environment Quality Council and Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality to recommend measures for dealing with air- and water-pollution and waste problems in the country. The committee was headed by Roy Lawrence Ash (Ash), co-founder and former president of Litton Industries, Inc. . While exploring options to integrate all the federal environmental activities under a uniform agency, Ash constituted a separate regulatory agency in November 1969 to pursue anti-pollution programs. As per the advice of the Ash Council, Nixon established EPA in December 1970 to monitor the execution of environment policy in the country...

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